田. Documenta 16 Proposal Draft
1. Status of the world
(1)Problems:War;Diseases;Military and political conflicts;
(3)Failure:Environmental;resources;Racial discrimination
(4)Threats: Disease: Ecological environment: Conflicts between countries:
(5)Hopes:Better connected world.
2. Status of the art
(1)Role:As a means of politics & As a means of resistance
(2)Function:Cultural communication & Education & diagnosis
· Interactive relationship between art, environment and place
· Trying to establish an equal, decentralized art community atmosphere
3. Cosmos documenta Kassel
Spirit of Documenta:① Democracy & humanity; ② Dive into the community; ③ Topics involving individuals, collective, subjectivity, etc;
4. Our Attitude
Search for new survival field; an equal standpoint; break the binary opposition
Equality& tolerance & mutual benefit & reconstruction & expansion
5. Basic idea:Core concepts of “田”(tian)
(1)Living foundation/basis of human survival:① Reuse of wasteland – Rethinking; ② “slash and burn” cultivation – Rebuilding; ③ A zone can be mined – Exploring possibilities
(2)Breaking boundaries:④ Land boundaries – Border conflicts/geopolitics;⑤ Migration and distribution of peoples
(3)Human power:⑥ Collective human labor – The bottom workings of the state;⑦ Land can be bought, sold, rented, passed down – changes of power