Vor der Kirche St. Kunigundis
I: What did you already see?
M: Yesterday night we were at the presentation of this documentary, it was a garden projection, I am not sure about the name of the collective that presented the project. It was a documentation of this process of this building a garden with immigrants. And then – this is the first venue we are visiting this morning, we haven’t yet decided, we were really late.
I: What is the impression of the documenta that you already got?
M: It is kind of different from what I expected. Though I heard about the documenta, it is the first time that I come and visit it. I am actually … I’m positively impressed. The idea I got from the articles I read is that it has been a really wide process. So maybe it can be kind of really diverse project. So that’s kind of a positive aspect. Probably I would consider it a not completely positive thing that the curatory [curatorial team] didn’t have that much control of the result. If you want it to be kind of uniform, politically committed then you need … once you have all these different people, different collectives, different ideas, coming from different places, and you want to control … it’s a funny message. There were rumors about antisemitism, which I actually really didn’t see in the artworks, but I only have a first idea.
I: What is your plan, what do you want to see?
M: Yesterday night, we had … [To girlfriend joining the conversation] What was our plan today? You got some notes on what we want to see, right? This was the first thing we were interested in … She is the one… [laughs]
W: Let’s see. Maybe you mentioned that we passed by the …
M: Ah, yeah! This I didn’t mention, this was really good!
F: The voice …
M: “The Walls have Ears” … The trampoline house, I forgot to mention. This was impressive.
F: I would like to go into the city. Hübner [areal]. And then, from the collective at the Stadtmuseum. Yesterday we saw a documentation about the gardening, so it would be interesting to see the tree at the Stadtmuseum. Then what else? From … I mean, everybody knows about … the Tokyo collective, read about the “Toyko Reels” collective. That is already a few, maybe one is left. Then also the “Fehras Publishing” installation. Because I know them since a while and I was surprised to see that they have a space here. Since I like their practice it would be interesting to go to this. But then we only have today, so it is a very short time. So we also might take it as an input.
I: Could you say what your favorite cultural or leisure-time activity is?
M: I am quiet into art. Now we are with me girlfriend, we are actually doing a road trip with our camper. We are driving to France, so that would be our last stop in Germany. We are living in Berlin, we are interested in art, she is a designer, while I studied architecture. Pretty much that. I was always reported from friends who visited documenta that it is really interesting. My roommate was here a couple of weeks ago, she told me she was positively impressed, so that is basically it.