Am Hallenbad Ost
I: What did you see, what was your experience?
W1: So, with the whole exhibition we missed just this space and this one [pointing out two small venues on a map]. We stayed here for two days, so, the whole trip. We were to the documenta before. So, we are from Colombia, from the Third World. For us it is not as shocking, because we live in that world. All the places that we see that are very green and different, that is like normal for us. So this part of the documenta, the Third World, the minorities, the colonialism, for me it was not a big shock, because we are used to that world. But I think that they say things that were needed to be said. I learned a lot from other countries it turns out I haven’t heard of. I feel familiar with some speeches, but not all of it. I think that it was really open-minded. I really liked the part of solidarity, of working together, of community.
I: Between artists?
W1: Yes. I really liked that aspect. There was only one thing that I didn’t like, it was the WH22. Because they were not a community, they were not a group. I don’t know if you were there, but for us it was really bad. I don’t understand. And I also think that it was really challenging, the whole documenta. I study art history, and it was really challenging intellectually, although I study the history of art. It was really challenging, like you had to … It was challenging you intellectually, and it was not easy to engage with the work of art like it was in the documenta before, because they beautiful and they were like material that we are used to, but that was really challenging for me. That is what I like. They made me think. It was difficult to engage, more than one perspective. But I think it was really nice. I think that all the political innovations that they treat were well treated, and it was a point that we all need to speak about.
W2: I love this group [Taring Padi], I really like it. I don’t like that they took it.
W1: She means the work that they took down. She doesn’t like that they took it down.
W2: Because everything is about politics, and it is about minorities here. That is the only point that I don’t like. I really like the political aspect, I really love it. Documenta for is amazing, we really love it. The Colombian group, it was not that good.
W1: We were really happy about that. We liked their work, there is so much to say about that. But for us, it was difficult to understand – and we are Colombians. And this time the maps were easier, it was better organized.
I: So it wasn’t your first time either?
W1: No, she was with me in the last one.
W2: This is easier. Four years ago it was difficult to find the art places. This year it is more easy.
W1: She is mad because she read today the letter, and she is, like: They shouldn’t have taken it down.
W2: Yes. I don’t really like that.
W1: Yes. It is like censorship to us.
I: Were you aware about the discussion before?
W2: Yes.
W1: Yes. We studied a bit before, like reading the newspapers.
I: Did you come to Germany for the documenta?
W2: Yes. Bogotá, Frankfurt, Kassel. We really enjoy documenta. And you know, tomorrow we are going to Venice.
W1: Venice Bienniale.
W2: But you know, I prefer this.
W1: This makes you think, this makes you question.
I: It is not an art show, it is an exhibition.
W2: Exactly. Or a fashion show
W1: This makes you question. Even though, as I told you, this year intellectually it was really hard for me.