Vor dem Ottoneum/Naturkundemuseum
I: What did you see and what stayed in your mind?
M1: I like the big painting that was split into four. That’s what stuck with me the most. We did see a big dog, also. A kind of mechanical dog. And the tapestries. The quilts that were stitched together. Those were also very good.
M2: I saw in the Hübner building, they had – one of the smaller prints in the exhibition was of four artists, a collective of artists from Frankfurt. They showed some pieces of their art, and that was really profound. They had a few pieces that really spoke to me. They were showing kind of where the art is coming from, who is making it. Really highlighting minority voices, but less visible.
I: Was it more or less what you expected when you came here to visit the exhibition?
M1: This is the about the first time I have ever been to an art exhibition. So some of it is kind of as I expected, some of it isn’t. I think overall, as I don’t have so much experience I didn’t have much expectations, but in the end I like it.
M2: I have some experiences with contemporary art exhibitions and shows. But documenta is … what surprises me the most was the shear scope of it all. The number of exhibits, the number of different buildings. But what is also surprising is the use of different spaces. So we went to St. … to the church, and the warehouse, and the National History Museum, the State Museum. The use of the spaces was really interesting to see. I think that the curators did a wonderful job using every inch of them.
I: Could you tell what your favorite leisure time activity is?
M1: Sports. Anything to do with sports.
M2: I love pretty much what you call socializing. Sitting around and talking to people. And that’s been great to do here, a great town, really nice people, places to just enjoy the street life.